Welcome to the Marketplace class of #ooak20!

We're so excited to have you in this popular tabletop section! This is a great place for new artisans to build the brand recognition and audience that will set you up for a long and successful One Of A Kind career, so let's get down to the logistics that will help you make the most of the Marketplace experience.


Table Display

Building a well-merchandised table display is key in distinguishing your brand and products in this bustling section. When creating your display, it is important to keep in mind that your display must remain on the top of the table surface (see diagram below for measurements). You will not have room behind or in front of your table to add display pieces, and in the interest of keeping the section looking clean and cohesive, we ask that you do not replace the existing tablecloth or hang banners or signage on the front of or behind the table. Height is your best friend when it comes to showcasing as much of your work as possible. Just remember to be mindful of your neighbors and leave yourself some room to interact with customers from behind the table.

NOTE: If you have been contracted for a corner spot, your table dimensions will be slighly different. See below for a diagram with measurements.

The Marketplace will include overhead lighting, but if you have smaller pieces or a display furniture that will cast shadows, it is best to plan to have extra lighting. You can rent lighting from our onsite provider, ShowTech, or you can bring your own. To power your lights, you will need to order electricity.

And finally, we know that it can be tiring to be on your feet throughout the show, but as this is a cozy space, we suggest that you bring a small stool--like this one from Ikea for only $8.99--to help give your feet a break.

Need some ideas for putting together your display? Check out our Pinterest Board of tabletop displays from shows pasts or scan through our general booth design tips for any helpful ideas that you might be able to use.





Move-in at Spring is scheduled to accomodate the move-out of another show just before us. So, when booth numbers go live on February 21, you will receive an email with your specific move-in date and time. Since Marketplace is a tabletop section and less involved than move-in for a full booth, the allotted time for this section typically falls of the second day (Tuesday, March 24) in the second half of the day. It's always best to do a dry run to make sure you have all the supplies and display pieces you need for a smooth set-up.


Where Do You Go from Here?

As a One of a Kind exhibitor, you will have the option to save yourself a spot in next year's Spring Show. And as a Marketplace exhibitor, you have lots of options for growing with One Of A Kind.

  • Feel like you could use another year in the Marketplace? Re-sign to be an alumni exhibitor and you can come back for a second year. All we ask in return is that you share your year of experience with our new exhibitors in this section by acting as a mentor.
  • Ready for a little more space? Join our Rising Stars section and request space by the square foot to create a freestanding display that is all your own!
  • Find a friend in the section or on your show circuit, and apply to share a 10x10 booth with a buddy in our Booth Share program.
  • Ready for a full booth? Sometimes it only takes one show to know you are ready to graduate to a full booth. Start building a booth that customers will recognize and flock to to see your latest work and stock up on their favourites each year!

Still have questions about the Marketplace? Just send us an email, we'd be happy to help! Otherwise, we look forward to meeting you at the show!