Welcome to the Rising Stars Class of #ooak20!

We’re thrilled to welcome you to this exciting section that always draws in a crowd looking to meet new artisans and see fresh work showcased in unique displays. Rising Stars is a great place to begin to build the audience and brand recognition that will set you up for a long and successful One Of A Kind career! So, let's get down to the logistics that will help you make the most of your experience.


Booth Design

This is an open concept space and there are no standard booth sizes, so we’re always excited to see what our Rising Stars will bring to the show. To get you started on your booth buidling adventure, here are the basics of the section.

  • Walls: No pipe and drape walls are provided in this section, so you must provide your own freestanding display structure that fits within your contracted booth size.
  • Floor Covering: Carpeting is provided, but you can bring your own flooring too, if needed.
  • Electrical: Make sure to order an electrical plug to power your lights and power (or charge) your POS system.
  • Seating: This is a cozy space, so we ask that you only bring yourself, your booth and a small stool--like this one from Ikea for only $8.99. Fear not, this stool doesn't not need to fit within your contracted booth space.

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to get designing! Need some ideas? Check out our Rising Stars Pinterest Board and scan through our general booth design guide for any helpful ideas that you might be able to use. Then, it’s time to put your creativity to work!



Rising Stars should plan to move-in on the second day of move-in only. The configuration of the floor plan and the logistics of move-in mean that this section will not be set up until the Monday night, so Rising Stars are usually scheduled for the second half of the second day of move-in (Tuesday, March 24). Please plan your move-in schedule accordingly and we will send more detailed instructions when booth numbers go live on February 21.


Where Do You Go from Here?

As a One Of A Kind exhibitor, you will have the option to save yourself a spot in next year's Spring Show. Take some time to walk the show and take note of favourite features of other booths that you can make your own for next year. Examine pieces of your Rising Stars booth that will adapt to a full booth space, so that customers can easily recognize you to stock up on their favourites and see your latest work next year!

Not quite ready for a full booth space? Get to know your fellow Rising Stars exhibitors and see if there is anyone you might want to share a 10x10 boothat next year's show with in our Booth Share program.

AND DID YOU KNOW? New artisans are eligible to participate in Rising Stars at one Spring and one Winter Show, so why not get the most out of your booth building and apply to participate in Rising Stars at the next Winter Show too! 


Still have questions about the Rising Stars section? Just send us an email, we'd be happy to help! Otherwise, we look forward to meeting you at the show!