Please do not sell directly from the aisles. Also, sales are not allowed during set-up, tear-down or outside Show hours. All demonstrations and distribution of promotional materials must be confined to your booth space. Exhibits, including the operation of musical equipment, radios, sound motion picture equipment, public address systems or any noise making devices will not be permitted without approval from Show Management. Contact Valérie Roy at 416-960-4514 or if you have any questions.




Your contract is legally binding and, once you have signed it, you are obligated to adhere to every clause stipulated in Schedule “A” of the Exhibition Permit.

This includes:

Contracted Items

On your contract, you will find a list of your products that have been juried into to the show. Respecting your contracted items allows us to create a well-balanced show that doesn't too havily feature, and therefore affect the sales of, any particular category.

If you notice something missing from your contract, you can submit new work for jurying with our New Product Submission. Include images and a step-by-step description of your production process for the jury to review. We require this information 60 days before the start of the show in order to make any possible adjustments to booth location in order to accomodate these contract additions.


  • Just like the selection committee reviews all new applications, we also review all new product submissions to ensure that they fit with our criteria of being handmade and produced locally by you, the maker.
  • In order to present a well-curated show, One of a Kind reviews all new products that artisans would like added to their contract. This prevents the show from being too full of any one kind of item and also prevents you from having the same things for sale as your show neighbors.
  • This means it can be tough to add some of the more popular items, like jewelry, scarves, totes and clothing, if they are not already in your category. Allowing makers in other categories to add these items draws sales away from those for whom these items are their mainstay and makes it very hard to evenly distribute the categories in the show.
  • It also means that just because your new work was not accepted for this show, does not mean you can never bring it to the show. A new show will bring a new mix of exhibitors and new show neighhors, so you can always try again next year.

Exclusivity Clause

We always strive to create a truly unique shopping experience that engages shoppers, maximizes artisan exposure and supports the handmade community. Our customers trust us to curate a collection of items that they can proudly say are One of a Kind. And just as we carefully select artisans from the huge pool of talent we see each year, we also rely on you to help us create the One of a Kind experience by being selective and judicious about the other shows you participate in around this time. We want you to be successful—it is the reason you were selected to join the show—and in our experience, this exclusivity is what motivates our customers to spend their holiday shopping dollars on all the wonderful wares that they can only find at the show. So, we wanted to take the time to explain the reason behind our exclusivity clause to you, so that it is a philosophy that you fully embrace as the key to our shared success, rather than just another line on your contract. Whether it’s your first time or you’ve done the show for years, we want to thank you for partnering with us and embracing the philosophy that has made the show the success that it is. We truly couldn’t do it without you!

For your convenience, here is the exclusivity clause, as it appears on your contract.

“Exhibitor” (including agents) or their craft (including non-contracted items) are not found or sold at any other consumer show (including but not limited to craft shows, garden shows, home shows, decorating shows, women's shows, clothing shows, etc.) within a 30km radius of the Enercare Centre 14 days before, during or 14 days after the One Of A Kind Show (November 21, 2019 - December 1, 2019).

“Exhibitor” can participate in any consumer show with 40 or fewer exhibitors or a duration of 1 calendar day or less, provided it does not occur 7 days before, during or 7 days after the One Of A Kind Show (November 21, 2019 - December 1, 2019).


Production Criteria

We are committed to presenting a show that upholds the standards the show set out when it began, more than 40 years ago. One of a Kind means items that are crafted with love and care by hands that leave their mark ensuring that no two pieces are ever exactly the same. Though trends and technology continue to redefine the craft landscape, we remain strong in our mandate to support artisans producing local, handmade work. We take any reports to the contrary very seriously.

We do our best to monitor and maintain the integrity of the show, but with only 8 of us and hundreds of you, we ask that you help us by reporting anyhing that does not honour this mande using the form at the below link. 

Food for Thought: We consider different production criteria for each category based on available technologies and level of involvement. If you are concerned about something in a category you are unfamiliar with, consider the production methods necessary to prepare for a show of our size.

Important Note: Because of the serious nature of these reports, we do ask that all claims are made in writing and include your name and contact information. This information will remain confidential.




Any exhibitor wishing to sell or sample food at the One of a Kind Show must review the Food Sales and Sampling guidelines page and complete the Food Sales and Sampling Application Forms found on that page. 




Please be aware that Health Canada's Consumer Product Safety department occasionally visits the show. The purpose of their visit is to ensure that the products sold at the show are compliant with the regulations under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Food and Drugs Act (Cosmetic Regulations). Additionally, it is an opportunity to educate and inform exhibitors of their responsibilities.

To best prepare for possible inspections please familiarize yourself with the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and the Food and Drugs Act (FDA)'s Cosmetic Regulations. If any of your products are found to be non-compliant, they may ask you to voluntarily remove prohibited or non-compliant products from sale as it is a violation of the CCPSA or the Food and Drugs Act to sell a prohibited or non-compliant consumer product or cosmetic in Canada. 

Please refer to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act Quick Reference Guide for further information.




Gift baskets can be a great idea, especially around the holiday season. But in order to uphold our mandate to showcase artisans and their work, we ask that you adhere to the following requirements if you would like to sell gift baskets at the show.

  1. The container can be any material, but would ideally be sourced from another artisan in the show.
  2. Looking for a specific item? Why not post to the Artisan Facebook Group for makers who want to collaborate.
  3. You may include one additional item that is not your product. This item must be supplied from another exhibitor at the show, if possible. Mass-produced versions of items that can be purchased at the show may not be included, ex. ceramic mugs, tote bags, etc.
  4. Flavours exhibitor who would like to create a food gift basket must collaborate with other exhibitors in the show, if available. 




Some of you are required to collect and remit 13% HST of the selling price of your products.
If you do not have one, you can learn more about HST and also register for a number here
Residents of other provinces can call this toll free number: 1-800-959-5525.

Please note that you must have your HST number available should a customer or a tax official request to see it.
While some of you may be HST exempt, signs declaring "NO HST" are NOT permitted.




The One of a Kind Show is staffed 24-hours a day in the exhibit hall from set-up day through tear-down.
However, in addition to this protection, we strongly suggest you take the following precautions:

  • Wear your badge during set-up and tear-down to help us identify anyone who does not belong in the hall.
  • Do not leave your keys or valuables (such as purses, cash boxes or stock) in your vehicle at any time.
  • During show hours, keep personal items like purses and briefcases locked up and out of sight from the public. DO NOT leave them behind drapes or underneath tables. This is the first place that is targeted.
  • Do not leave any cash or credit card slips in your booth. Take them with you, and make daily bank deposits.
  • We strongly recommend that you close off the front of your booth each night with a cloth, mesh, netting, etc. that will prohibit anyone from entering your booth when you are not there.
  • Walk to and from the hall with someone, especially if carrying large sums of money. Upon request, Exhibition Place Security Services will provide a security escort to anyone who does not feel comfortable walking to their mode of transportation. Make arrangements by calling Exhibition Place Security Services at 416-263-3333. Advise the operator of your request for a security escort, provide your name, description and location, and wait at your location for Security Staff to attend. Please be sure to schedule your security escort early in the day.
  • Report suspicious behaviour to the Show Office immediately!
  • Do not leave your booth unattended. Be sure to be at your booth before Show opening, and at Show closing do not leave immediately - wait until the public clears the floor.
  • On the rare occasion when you need to enter the Show floor earlier than 8:00am you must make arrangements with the Show Office the night before. The Show Office is located in room C2, upstairs.
  • Keep fire doors closed at all times. Never prop open a fire door.
  • Authorize each credit card purchase while the customer is in your booth to avoid dealing with declined authorizations.
  • Additional security measures are implemented within the Product Storage Area including a security camera installed nearby. Also, each exhibiting company that is allotted a product storage space must designate only TWO staff members who will have access to the product area.




The One of Kind Show does not produce plastic shopping bags. We do sell a limited number of reusable shopping bags onsite at the Box Office and our website. If you wish to order and customize shopping bags for your own companies, you can contact the suppliers listed below for more information (each of these suppliers provides reusable packaging options).

Custom Bags

If you wish to order and customize additional shopping bags for your own company, contact the suppliers listed below for more information (each of these suppliers provides reusable packaging options).

Progress LUV2PAK (not open to the public; you must bring your business license and vendor permit where applicable.)
20 Tangiers Rd., Toronto, ON
Tel. 416-638-1221 or 1-888-588-2725

Creative Bag
1100 Lodestar Rd., Unit 1, Toronto, ON
Tel. 416-631-6444 or 1-800-263-1418
www.creativebag.comTo further reduce the use of traditional plastic bags, please ask your customers if they need a bag before giving one out.




If you are a vendor of upholstered and stuffed articles (pillows and stuffed toys etc.) certain government regulations apply to you. 
NEW! As of July 1, 2019, the Government of Ontario approved the revocation of the Upholstered and Stuffed Articles regulation under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000. This means that The Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Program for Home Hobby/Craft Operators application no longer exists. However, upholstered and stuffed articles sold in Ontario continue to be subject to applicable federal legislation including the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Textile Labelling Act. Ensure you are compliant by visiting this website for more information: